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How to train while you're on holiday, finding the right balance?

Being somewhat of an enthusiast for staying fit and healthy it comes naturally for us to embrace this position and dedicate some of our holiday time on staying physically active. Usually through a mix of running and strength work that can be done in almost any location. There are many reasons why staying fit on holiday makes sense, but we appreciate that this is not always on everyone's agenda.

With a variety of organised and go it alone options available it can be relatively easy to integrate some purposeful activity into your holiday time. Here we discuss finding the right balance for you.


With lockdown worldwide highlighting the ingenuity and availability of online exercise resources there is now more than ever, accessible content for whatever activity takes your fancy. From pilates to hiit, yoga to calisthenics it is all available online at whatever convenient time you find. These can each be beneficial and support an active part to your holiday, a chance to continue, or even start a routine of practice or training. Either way engaging in some activity whether on holiday or at home is a win win scenario physically and mentally. Consider packing a skipping rope along with your normal gym/running kit, and if space allows a roll mat. We've devised a simple all body, no equipment required, 30min hiit that can be found here.


If you are able to focus purely on your exercise of choice then you can afford some respite for your mind. It may sound counter intuitive to focus, in order to relax and free your mind but doing so for a single element can help to provide clarity. With fewer distractions and nagging thoughts your body and mind should find it easier to relax, exactly what a holiday should do! Further to this, the benefits go beyond the actual exercise, making the ‘normal’ aspects of your holiday even more enjoyable. We’ve all been there, after a morning run we feel more buoyant, energised and positive. Why would you not do this on holiday? When, generally speaking, you have more time to pursue the things you enjoy and make you happy.

We're not saying stay inside your accommodation and do 4 hours of hiit to get the endorphins flowing, what we’re saying is doing what feels right for you, say at least 30-40mins a day might help you unwind.


We believe that trail running is the ideal exercise for an active holiday, providing you with physical and mental wellbeing. In addition to those well known benefits, there is the opportunity to enjoy the journey itself, explore and adventure that few activities allow. Pair all of these factors together, add a bunch of other like minded people and you have the essence of what a Nomadic Running Company is all about.

holidays and training programme

If your holiday falls within a training period there are two main ways to look at it;

1. Maintain your schedule and plan appropriately to make sure that you can still enjoy the destination to which you are visiting. This could be time consuming if training for something like a 100km race. It does provide some new terrain and excitement from your typical routes at home which may give you a boost in motivation.

2. Use this time as rest and recovery. Scheduling in time for rest and recovery is vitally important for any training plan and holidays can be exactly that. Be careful not to go too far the other way as you might find your return back home a little harder. Research your destination and find activities that are not strenuous. A local park, cafe, museum or beach can all provide a nice environment to spend longer periods of time without too much exertion. This deliberate rest allows your body to divert the energy into recovery and should mean that when you jump back into training you feel replenished. Actively searching for local baths or spas in the area can be a fast-tracked way to unwind.

Tips for training on holiday

Whether or not your mid training plan, have a race coming up or just staying healthy then there are still a few tips that remain the same for trail running whilst on holiday.

  • Get up early(ish) - take the opportunity to exercise early, leaving you to reap the benefits throughout the day but also enabling you enough free time to spend enjoying your destination. This doubles up if you are in a hot climate and means you miss the hottest part of the day.

  • Be adaptable - As a trail runner you have to be adaptable and keep this in mind when you're on holiday. Everything is likely to be a little different, don’t shy away from this but embrace it and who knows where the trail might lead.

  • Kit - make sure you take the appropriate kit for the destination you are going. A bit of research into routes and weather is usually a good place to start.

  • Know where you are staying - Write down your address and carry a little money in case you get really lost and need a taxi back, or to ask for directions.

  • Plan - Remember where you are and any potential risks that you might come across. Whether it's getting too hot, going too high or dangerous animals it's good to know beforehand what you might be dealing with.

Nomadic running company

As with any holiday it is important that the trip does for you what you need. Exercise and trail running is a great way to stay active and enjoy the destination to the fullest. Run away with us on a hassle free retreat or adventure and experience the lesser trodden paths of this world.


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